London Borough of Islington獨有的精彩體驗

London Borough of Islington獨有的精彩體驗



你的計劃: 無論您是獨自旅行,與您的另一半, 還是與朋友/家人一起旅行,總是很難拍出一張完美的照片來真正捕捉環境!別靠街上的陌生人,讓我帶領您展示倫敦周圍我最喜歡的一些景點,您將獲得一堆獨一無二的照片作為您的紀念品。 這次旅行將向您展示倫敦周圍的一些著名景點和一些隱藏的瑰寶,同時我會沿途為您拍攝一些特別角度和擺拍的照片。準備好一些新鮮的、適合IG, 發朋友圈/ 小紅書的照片,讓您的朋友羨慕您的旅遊經歷。 請注意,這是一個小團體旅遊(可能會有其他人人一起!)如果您希望進行私人旅遊或大型團體旅行,請聯繫我安排定制預訂。其他注意事項 如果時間段不適合您,請聯繫我 我們可以另找時間。
Hidden Pubs of London
Join us for a 3hr historical stumble down the "street of shame". Starting in the shadow of the iconic St.Paul's cathedral, we explore the tiny backstreets and rambling courtyards the ancient City of London is famous for. We follow in the drunken footsteps of literary greats including Dickens, Shakespeare, Pepys & Johnson whilst pausing for a drink in at least 4 of the most historic pubs dating as far back as the 1500's. From discovering art nouveau gems to glamorous Victorian gin palaces we enjoy a variety of pub styles and breweries along the way. It's not a prescriptive tour, so you choose & pay for your drinks along the way. We're here to offer recommendations, and you can often "sip before you sup" with a few tasters on request from the bars along the way. This allows you to indulge as much or as little as you desire! Non-drinkers can soak up the history, and wine & gin-lovers are also well catered for. We usually finish up on the edge of Covent Garden perfect for theatre-land, restaurants and of course more pubs! Other note: - Guests are recommended to be over 18 years of age to enjoy the walk at its best. Anyone lucky enough to look under 25 years of age should bring photo ID - Group sizes of up to 14 participants - Alfie the dog is not always in attendance. Sorry! N.B. We have a small number of hosts so you might be meeting up with Chris, Mark, Wil or other
Royal London Bike Ride, with cosy ale pub and street art
Experience the freedom of exploring London by bike, just like a local, and get an exciting introduction to the best of London's landmarks and culture. We'll provide you with a gorgeous, hand-built British bicycle and a tweed flat cap (caps optional, helmets also available) and we'll set off on an adventure around London’s iconic sights and lesser-known hidden gems. Following back streets and dedicated bike lanes, you'll ride from Big Ben past Westminster Abbey and up to Buckingham Palace, the home of the Queen, where we'll see the Royal Guards in their dapper uniforms. (Changing of the Guard days: Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, & Sundays) You'll coast along (London is very flat!) at an easy-going pace, stopping regularly to hear fun facts and some quirky historical tales. There's time to take photos too! We'll then take a break to enjoy a pint of beer at a cosy historic pub where you can get to know your fellow travellers. Lastly, you'll have a chance to try street art in Banksy's graffiti tunnel (and we provide spray paint!). We've designed this route to give you the best introduction to London. It's a great balance between 'not to miss' sights and local gems. - The route is mainly flat and easy - London can be a busy & unpredictable - The total distance is 7 miles / 11km - We ride rain or shine - Great for groups - Solo travellers welcome - Best way to start a trip
Royal Historic Pubs Walking Tour
Join us on a majestic journey through time as we discover four historic, hidden, royal pubs dating back centuries that you would never find alone! Uncover the mysteries concealed beneath the streets of London, where alleyways and secret tunnels have transported kings and queens of years gone by. Discover the palace where Ed Sheeran nearly lost an ear during a night of revelry with a princess, and be regaled with thrilling and hilarious stories of scandal, romance, intrigue, and legendary events. Hear tales of Winston Churchill, Charlie Chaplin, James Bond, Queen Elizabeth II, and many other great British characters while sampling awesome British beers in off-the-beaten-path pub sanctuaries. Your exquisite walking adventure will immerse you in the unseen grandeur of London’s past and present while avoiding the crowds and doing as the locals do. Your expert, charming guide is guaranteed to amaze and have you laughing throughout with engaging storytelling, enthusiasm, and plenty of humour.
Soho Music & Historic Pubs Tour
Experience four hidden local pubs, great beer, and truly unique locations as we dive into London’s hilarious musical and mischievous past and present. See where the Beatles recorded Hey Jude, where the Rolling Stones kicked off their career, where Jimi Hendrix partied hard, and even the pub where The Who got banned for life! Enjoy Soho's lesser-known locations, where some of the most infamous musicians, actors, performers, and deep thinkers all lived, worked, and played. Perhaps you'll even fancy a sing-along at the pub where Dumbledore famously got into a punch-up. We'll also visit where Mozart lived and played—yes, the Mozart—as well as explore David Bowie’s regular hangouts and the stomping ground for the likes of The Sex Pistols, Karl Marx, Casanova, Marilyn Monroe, Elton John, and many more legends that helped to change the world. Have a drink in the company of true locals while discovering venues and history hidden to most people.


A spooky London bat walk after dark
Join me as we explore London's wild spaces after dark to discover the amazing world of bats. As dusk falls, mysterious creatures emerge from under bridges and out of old trees to hunt. Surrounded by myth and misconceptions, bats are a truly unique group of animals, and much misunderstood. The focus will be on learning all about bats and their unique biology, why they are so important as ecological 'keystone species', how they navigate in the dark and how each species is highly adapted to its way of life. We'll watch them hunting in various habitats, and excitingly we will use handheld electronic bat detectors to listen to their ultrasonic echolocation calls. You'll learn how to identify various species, from the tiny flitting Pipistrelles that can fit into a matchbox, to the incredible and comical looking Brown Long Eared bat. With luck, we may spot the Daubenton's or water bat skimming the water surface like a tiny hovercraft. Or our largest bat, the Noctule, almost bird-like flying in open skies with it's military 'chip-chop' call. We frequently encounter other nocturnal wildlife too, like owls, foxes, hedgehogs and badgers. Who knows what the evening will reveal! Other things to note Social distancing can be observed, bat detectors wiped down between uses. The walk is very safe as many joggers and walkers use the Heath to cut through, even in late evenings. We'll be sticking to wide open paths for the most part, but need to take care of trip hazards
Sur les pas des Français à Soho - balade historique Londres
Rejoignez-moi pour découvrir l'histoire de la présence française à Londres (visite en français - Tour in French) Marchons ensemble sur les pas des Français dans le quartier de Soho (Londres) et découvrons la vie de particuliers, de groupes et d'entreprises qui se sont établis ici du XVIIeme siècle à nos jours. Soho à Londres est célèbre pour sa vie la nuit, mais au XIXeme siècle, ce quartier de Londres était parfois appelé "the French colony" depuis que des Huguenots étaient venus s'y installer pour échapper aux persécutions en France. Nous nous retrouverons sur Soho Square devant l'église protestante française. Nous marcherons ensuite et évoquerons certains lieux tels que French House, des rues, une chapelle huguenote and divers commerces historiques qui sont les traces de l'implanation de la communauté francophone dans ce quartier. Nous poursuivrons vers Leicester Square avec Notre Dame de France et terminerons dans le West End avec Covent Garden. Nous n'entrerons pas dans les édifices. La marche durera environ 2 heures et sera entrecoupée d'arrêts multiples. Website:
Argentine Tango lessons in London
You will learn the basics of Argentine Tango, how to move your body and your steps in accordance with the music and try to interpret it in the deepest and more enjoyable way. You can come and dance with your own partner or alone. Come and enjoy! Other things to note Please be aware that the cost of the Studio where you will dance (often around £20-£40 per couple, but depending on time and availability) will be covered by the students who take the lesson. During Summertime a contribution of £7-10 per person will be asked to students for the venue management. After the lockdown, we unfortunately distanced also socially but it's time now to join and bond again! Great for groups, and for great for team-building!
Learn to Screen Print in Hackney
Learn the basics of screen printing onto fabric with paper stencils at my fully equipped studio in a converted Victorian Chocolate Factory in Hackney N16. Enjoy a relaxing, creative time in this wonderful pattern-filled space and discover all the tips and tricks to pulling your very own print! I will guide you through the whole process and we'll each try a quick sample print onto fabric, to spark ideas and show you the ropes. You'll then have time to create paper stencils using scissors and/or scalpel, ready to print your final unique design onto either a tote bag or tea towel. Be creative with the many examples, stencils and imagery on display in my studio or bring along your own drawings, photos and ideas to work from. No experience necessary as wonderful prints can be made from very simple shapes and patterns! All inks are water-based and solvent-free. Price includes a choice of tote bag or tea towel for each participant. Most dates are currently set as private bookings, so you can enjoy the class with exclusive one to one tuition or share the experience with friends and family. Please make sure to add the correct number of guests attending to view the final cost of the workshop. Children are also very welcome to attend age 7 and above. Do get in touch if you don't see the date/time you are looking for as I am at my studio most days to offer an alternative.
Portraiture Sculpting with Film Artist
We will be learning credential techniques for Portraiture sculpture. This will be broken down into simple processes for the beginner or intermediate sculptors. We will be learning the process of Ecorché (sculpting each individual muscle onto the skeleton), and learning them along the way, bring your sketchbooks :D After we know the anatomic makeup of the bust, its time to create one for ourselves. You will surprise yourself at how much accumulating the knowledge of our anatomic makeup can enhance your sculpting skills!! That's a promise :D Come home with an anatomic muscle model you can always have to refer back to and a portraiture bust, skin and all! Other things to note Perfect for beginners or intermediate folk, we will be going through all processes.

London Borough of Islington的人氣之選

London's Amazing Harry Potter Walking Tour; Kids Freeee
Kids under 13 go FREEEEE (Just book yourselves in and tell us how many kids you have with you) This walking tour of London unfurls the movie set locations of the world's most famous Wizard (you know who he is!) Great day out for the family. You will see over 10 movie set locations and several locations that inspired JK Rowling. We will visit actual filming locations in London! The tour starts at King Cross Train station : for a special photo stop at the real location for platform 9 3/4. (Not the Shop) We then head to Leicester square area to see some of the film locations & visit the best Harry Potter Shop. When in the shop The House of Spells, feel free to use our discount code "HP934" when buying all your Harry Potter Goodies. After visiting this incredible area we head to London Bridge where we see more film locations. These include the Millennium (aka Wobbly) Bridge and the Leaky Cauldron. In addition to the film locations, we will see sights and buildings that inspired JK Rowling when she was writing each of the books. This is a great tour for families & die-hard fans of Harry Potter **Please note: there will not be more than 10 adults per group*** Other things to note ***THIS TOUR IS IN ENGLISH. IF YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND ENGLISH: PLEASE DO NOT BOOK 3-hour walking tour. Please bring an Oyster with at least £7 or a Travelcard/ Contactless Payment card.
No Diet Club - Best food in East London
- Toute la nourriture est incluse / Le tour se fait à pied / Les dégustations peuvent varier selon la saison C'est notre deuxième food tour à Londres dans le même esprit que l'autre mais dans un quartier différent : l'est de Londres. L'aventure No Diet Club a commencé en 2017 sur les marchés de street food londoniens avant de se développer dans toute l'Europe. On entend souvent que l'on mange mal à Londres mais c'est des conneries. Cette ville multiculturelle regorge de délices et de nouveautés. Fromage local, glace locale, le meilleur chai de Londres, notre boulangerie préférée et des surprises :) (LES VÉGÉTARIENS SONT TOUJOURS LES BIENVENUS) ⇨ IG : @no_diet_club ⚠ En cas de fortes pluies le tour pourra se faire en bus. :) ▶ Ce que l'on propose ✔ - De nombreuses dégustations à partager - Du gras - Du fun - Une belle ballade dans Londres - Des blagues toujours aussi nulles - Des sourires - Une liste de recommandations sur Londres - De nouveaux potes du monde entier
Jack the Ripper tour : solve the crime
We will take you on a walk through the dark and narrow streets of London's famous Victorian East End. We will trace the footsteps and crime scenes of the murders Jack the Ripper committed. This tour is not for the faint hearted. Allow us to set the scene… It is the autumn of 1888, and a sinister serial killer is loose on the streets of London’s East End. At first he is known simply as ‘The Whitechapel Murderer’. But in time, thanks to a mysterious letter sent to a London news agency (a copy of which you will be shown in the course of the walk), he will become known as ‘Jack the Ripper,’ in which capacity his name will become famous throughout the world. You will see: - The places and buildings where his victims were murdered and found - Streets, buildings and alleyways that have hardly changed since 1888 - The pubs and buildings where his victims drank, worked and lived - The doorway where Jack the Ripper’s only clue was discovered - Police photos of the victims and evidence. Other things to note: Bring an umbrella if it is raining (or looks likes rain) Lots of opportunities for photos, bring a camera. Remember comfy shoes, there is a little walking involved
The Great British Rock and Roll Walking Tour
Walk in the footsteps of rock and roll royalty and visit the locations and venues where rock and roll legends played, recorded, performed, drank, caused trouble, and hung out. Experience London's unrivalled music history through the eyes of our greatest ever musicians. Discover where it all began for megabands such as The Stones, The Beatles, Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, and more. Be amazed at the secret rock and roll landmarks concealed in plain sight all over central London. Visit the hidden studios where the likes of David Bowie, Queen, Jimi Hendrix, and many more recorded and performed. Hear the hilarious stories from the golden era of rock n roll and find out why Keith Moon was barred from so many pubs and why the Sex Pistols had such a bad reputation. Enjoy the unseen backstreets as your local guide, also a professional musician, regales you with funny stories about characters like Elton John, John Lennon, and Eric Clapton. Finish off with a beer and the world's best rock 'n' roll story at a local pub steeped in rock 'n' roll history.
British Museum Tour - Culture and Controversy
The British Museum is a fascinating but also challenging place to visit.. the sheer number of artefacts and stories to discover can be quite daunting. This tour will guide curious visitors along a fun and often shocking narrative to discover the beauty of ancient cultures, come up close to staggering works of art, and also learn about how it all arrived inside the museum. There is hidden mythology, mysticism, art and history galore, but there is also a running controversy to several items on display related to violent colonial exchanges, looting, theft, or other questionable practices of ownership. I try to explain their arrival at the museum and update on their complicated status. Some of these stories may not be very pleasant, but knowing about them generates constructive discussion of the issues involved. It would be an honor to walk and talk about all this together on a two hour tour. We'll explore the items from: - Deities and warrior kings from Mesopotamia - Statues and mummies from Egypt, including the Rosetta Stone - Gods and temples from Greece - Roman artwork - Anglo-Saxon and Viking hoards - Bronzes from Benin - Ancient artefacts from China and India - Aztec blood rituals ...and many more fascinating bits of history!


Oxford Street1,427位當地人推薦


See 30+ Top London Sights. Fun Guide!
See 30+ London Sights in one tour! Fun local guide. The highest-rated Experience on Airbnb !!! We will guide you on an exploration of London’s major landmarks. This will give you a good idea of the history, culture & legends of Europe’s best-loved city. We will head through Green Park to Buckingham Palace, where we'll watch the world-famous Changing of the Guard ceremony (Sun / Mon / Wed / Fri only) After witnessing this traditional ritual, we'll head to Westminster. Sights we'll see along the way include Downing Street, Westminster Abbey, Parliament Square, Horse Guard Parade, Big Ben, and the Houses of Parliament. Our last stop in Westminster before heading underground on the tube is the start of Westminster Bridge where we will be able to see the Eye and other sights. Then we'll go to the London Bridge area, we'll see Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre, The Clink Prison, London Bridge, The old warehouse district, Borough Market, The Shard, views of the Square Mile, HMS Belfast, Tower Bridge, and the Tower of London. Plus a few Harry Potter filming locations... Other things to note. ** There are multiple co-hosts running the tours and we are all amazing. You may not get Geoff.
你的計劃: 無論您是獨自旅行,與您的另一半, 還是與朋友/家人一起旅行,總是很難拍出一張完美的照片來真正捕捉環境!別靠街上的陌生人,讓我帶領您展示倫敦周圍我最喜歡的一些景點,您將獲得一堆獨一無二的照片作為您的紀念品。 這次旅行將向您展示倫敦周圍的一些著名景點和一些隱藏的瑰寶,同時我會沿途為您拍攝一些特別角度和擺拍的照片。準備好一些新鮮的、適合IG, 發朋友圈/ 小紅書的照片,讓您的朋友羨慕您的旅遊經歷。 請注意,這是一個小團體旅遊(可能會有其他人人一起!)如果您希望進行私人旅遊或大型團體旅行,請聯繫我安排定制預訂。其他注意事項 如果時間段不適合您,請聯繫我 我們可以另找時間。
London Bar Crawl Sunday-Thursday & Club Crawl Weekends
If you're looking for a party, then get ready for an awesome, great value night out in central London, visiting some great bars with some fantastic people. Just good fun & great vibes, lead by our fun, friendly Host team. IMPORTANT: We offer 2 types of Bar Crawl during the week. Please read on for the details. Sunday-Thursday: London Bar Crawl - Free entry to 4 awesome bars + 1 great club - 1 free welcome shot in each venue - Discounted drinks everywhere (save a fortune!) - Photos taken throughout the night by our Hosts - Our friendly Host team (Start time 7.30pm, venue: Coyote Ugly Saloon - Piccadilly, by Piccadilly Circus) Friday & Saturday: Club Crawl - Same details as above, but with a larger crowd - 5 great bars & clubs in one night! If you are looking for an alternative Pub Crawl with a smaller crowd on Fri/Sat, you could look at our Shoreditch Pub Crawl. More info: We offer a 'party' pub crawl, generally suited to 18-35yrs crowd (though all ages are welcome!) We do not visit 'traditional' English pubs You must bring: Physical, photo ID (18+ only, no photos or copies). We select a range of different bars each night, with different endings, to offer you a taste of London nightlife. See you soon!
London's Amazing Palaces & Parliament
We will see 20+ of London's most iconic sights in a 3 hour walking tour This part of London is a must see for all visitors to London. We will head through Green Park to Buckingham Palace, where we'll watch the world famous Changing of the Guard ceremony (Sun / Mon / Wed / Fri only) We will walk down The Mall, the red colored road that is adorned by two Royal Parks & two Royal Palaces Then we will head Parliament Square to see Big Ben & Westminster Abbey. Sights we will see along the way include Trafalgar Square, Nelson's Column, Horse Guards, Downing Street, Parliament Square, Westminster Abbey & the Houses of Parliament. I will guide you on an exploration of one of London's most loved areas : Westminster It is the oldest part of London with buildings that are 1000 years old. Early Kings and Queens lived, got married and were buried in this part of London There are Palaces and Parks galore here. This area houses the UKs famous democratic institution, the Houses of Parliament (Westminster Palace) We will walk around this area and tell you the history, the fun facts and figures and also how the UK evolved from Roman to Medieval times to the modern day London Other things to note The afternoon tour : no changing of the guard. **Small group tour. We avoid crowded places as much as possible**
London's Amazing Harry Potter Walking Tour; Kids Freeee
Kids under 13 go FREEEEE (Just book yourselves in and tell us how many kids you have with you) This walking tour of London unfurls the movie set locations of the world's most famous Wizard (you know who he is!) Great day out for the family. You will see over 10 movie set locations and several locations that inspired JK Rowling. We will visit actual filming locations in London! The tour starts at King Cross Train station : for a special photo stop at the real location for platform 9 3/4. (Not the Shop) We then head to Leicester square area to see some of the film locations & visit the best Harry Potter Shop. When in the shop The House of Spells, feel free to use our discount code "HP934" when buying all your Harry Potter Goodies. After visiting this incredible area we head to London Bridge where we see more film locations. These include the Millennium (aka Wobbly) Bridge and the Leaky Cauldron. In addition to the film locations, we will see sights and buildings that inspired JK Rowling when she was writing each of the books. This is a great tour for families & die-hard fans of Harry Potter **Please note: there will not be more than 10 adults per group*** Other things to note ***THIS TOUR IS IN ENGLISH. IF YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND ENGLISH: PLEASE DO NOT BOOK 3-hour walking tour. Please bring an Oyster with at least £7 or a Travelcard/ Contactless Payment card.

Finsbury Park附近的精彩體驗

Discover London's Canals by Kayak
** AGES 18+ ONLY ** When you arrive at The Pirate Castle, you'll meet your instructor guide and be given a buoyancy aid to put on. We'll then give a short safety talk and show you the basics on how to use your paddle and control your kayak. You'll get into your boat (we'll help if you're wobbly!) and once everyone is on the water we'll practise some basic paddle strokes before heading off on a gentle tour that weaves along the prettiest stretch of the Regent's Canal towards London Zoo, then back to Camden's famous lock and The Pirate Castle. This experience is 1.5 hours long (including kitting up/briefings). All tours depart from/return to The Pirate Castle. The pace and distance travelled will vary for each tour as your instructor guide needs to keep all members of the group together for safety. Novices and more experienced paddlers welcome! Our kayaks are suitable for weights up to 110Kg. Canoes are available for paddlers up to 300Kg or two people wishing to paddle together. Please wear something comfy for kayaking that you don't mind getting splashed. You must also need wear suitable footwear (old trainers or securely fitting sandals). NO SWIMWEAR, FLIP-FLOPS or CROCS! Kayaking is a watersport, so we'll go ahead even if it's raining. We only cancel tours in the event of thunder and lightning due to potential risks, in which case we'll discuss available options.
Camden & Kentish Town Urban walkabout
Join me, a local resident, for an exciting walkabout immersing ourselves in Camden and Kentish Town’s world of street art, intriguing cultural spots, and rich history. Our urban adventure promises extraordinary opportunities to capture vibrant visuals and explore hidden gems that make these neighborhoods unique. As we stroll bustling streets and dive into the local music scene and culture, you’ll have chances to photograph iconic street art, capturing urban creativity. Uncover insider perspectives on the charming streets and creative landmarks that shaped Camden and Kentish Town’s remarkable musical and cultural impact. Document the captivating narratives as inspiration. You'll gain inspiration from the vibrant atmosphere and take plenty of photos. Unleash creativity, capture unforgettable moments, and create a visual story reflecting the spirit of these remarkable places. PRIVATE AND CUSTOM TOURS UPON REQUEST I offer private tours and can customise the tour upon request. Please get in touch beforehand for custom requests. Feel free to contact me directly to book larger groups or other times.
Secret East London neighbourhood tour / book included
Dalston is a diverse, cool and fast-changing area, home to a growing creative community. On this wandering we'll explore some of the area's hidden gems, old and new, including a secret garden, a vibrant multicultural market, a colourful house and a beautiful Turkish mosque. Hear some of the stories and meet some of the people that make London such a special city. I'll show you how I find and archive London gems so that you can think about recording your own explorations. I'll also share with you ways in which you can create meaningful connections to the communities, individuals and spaces you might encounter on your own wanderings. This tour is ideal for couples, families or small groups.
Become A DJ In Style In A Few Hours
Arrive at Bellerive House located in the Stunning views of the Thames with amazing architecture and history of the local area surrounding this building. Enjoy this unique workshop using world class DJ equipment where within 1 and half hour you will have the key knowledge of true party DJ. Upon arrival you will meet Sterling who will demonstrate an introduction then you will start your DJ workshop of playing music in your own style. This workshop is designed to teach you all the fundamental skills you need to DJ in a club or in a party with your friends. Learn how to be creative while having fun in creating your own mixes. After the workshop you can continue your east London experience by walking through the famous street market and discovering delicious international hotspots and explore the hidden gems of east London. Other things to note All DJ equipment will be provided at the workshop all you have to do is feel excited as you will be about to experience an amazing workshop were you can DJ in future parties!
Two English classics come together in this workshop and teatime with London’s leading taxidermist, Suzette Field. You’ll learn the art and science of preparing, preserving, and mounting—all the basics of taxidermy. Then, you’ll try it yourself (don’t worry, all the subjects have been ethically sourced—reptile food, pest control or roadkill). Choose to leave your handiwork au naturel or dress it up to create a souvenir worthy of a prime spot on your mantlepiece. Students will have a choice between mouse, rat, guinea pig or gerbil. Other things to note If you live outside the UK, you'll still be able to take your taxidermy creation home with you. We'll provide you with a certificate to show to customs, or mail your souvenir to your home address.


The Cloak & Dagger Tour, Horrifying History brought to life
The Horrors of History brought to life...literally! A Walking tour like no other! Combining history tour, theatre and immersive experience. London's best and multi award winning tour takes you on a journey through the Horror, and gruesome history of London's darker past, Bringing it to life! Travel and experience fascinating and gruesome reality of London's horrible history: crime, poverty, disease, war, rebellion, executions and torture! See it brought to life, as you MEET the People from the history you explore, face to face! Starting at the historic "The George Inn", our guide, will take you and your fellow travellers on a through the darker, untold side of History, that will horrify you, till the end of your days! This will be a gruesome, horrible, disgusting experience. ADULT CONTENT! Be prepared! 14+ is the age rating for this experience. Wear clothing appropriate to the weather.
London's Instagram-Worthy Photo Walk
**Hello! This ad is for my 2 hour photo walk created especially for Airbnb. I also do private professional photoshoots all around London, please message me to book! I offer the best prices in London @londonphotographytours Hi I'm Maddie; private tour guide & photographer from @londonphotographytours :) In a sea of Airbnb photoshoot experiences, I've created something different. Introducing London's Most Ig-Worthy Photo Walk; the relaxed way to make memories in authentic locations that you won't find with a quick web search. By choosing my experience, you get a 2 hr walking tour of some of the most beautiful hidden spots in London with a private guide; AND my expertise as a photographer to take your pictures along the way. It’s more relaxed than a professional photoshoot, however you still get high quality images. Joining a small-group tour is also a great way to socialise if you’re a solo traveller! - Small group sessions (great for solo travellers!) are Mon, Tues, Thurs & Fri from 12pm-2pm and cost £38 per person. This price covers the tour and all photos taken on your phone. You're welcome to upgrade to my professional camera, all raw images and edited images package for a small fee. - All private bookings include my professional camera, all raw photos & 40 edited. Prices start at £150 per group for a 2 hour session in your location of choice. Great for families!
The Great British Rock and Roll Walking Tour
Walk in the footsteps of rock and roll royalty and visit the locations and venues where rock and roll legends played, recorded, performed, drank, caused trouble, and hung out. Experience London's unrivalled music history through the eyes of our greatest ever musicians. Discover where it all began for megabands such as The Stones, The Beatles, Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, and more. Be amazed at the secret rock and roll landmarks concealed in plain sight all over central London. Visit the hidden studios where the likes of David Bowie, Queen, Jimi Hendrix, and many more recorded and performed. Hear the hilarious stories from the golden era of rock n roll and find out why Keith Moon was barred from so many pubs and why the Sex Pistols had such a bad reputation. Enjoy the unseen backstreets as your local guide, also a professional musician, regales you with funny stories about characters like Elton John, John Lennon, and Eric Clapton. Finish off with a beer and the world's best rock 'n' roll story at a local pub steeped in rock 'n' roll history.
Find Non-touristy, Unseen & Local London with a City Planner
London is only truly experienced when you venture off the well-worn tourist track so that you can see, hear and feel the place the same way a local does. Only then will you get close to the true essence, to the true heart, to the very fabric of the place you are in and have an experience like no other. We are going to leave the touristy mainstream London to the side and explore its unseen and authentic neighbourhoods outside the centre because this is where the ordinary Londoners acutally live their everyday lifes! We'll see vibrant communities, walk along a local street market, discover urban oddities, delve into London's modern urban history, and examine its current challenges as well as future developments. Although the tour takes six hours, it is easily doable and not exhausting, and time flies. While moving around on trains and buses you'll be able to sit a bit and there's also a 40-min lunch break at a market in between. (Food not included.) START: at Paddington station (West London) FINISH: near Canada Water station (South East London) The experience might end 15 mins late if traffic is slow. I recommend taking my tour right at the beginning of your visit because it will greatly enhance your understanding of London. "Let me take you by the hand and lead you through the streets of London, show you something to make you change your mind." Fabian
Afternoon Tea on a 1960s London Bus
Experience afternoon tea with a difference on-board an exclusive and unique Classic 1960’s double-decker London Bus. Voted Best Sightseeing Operator of the Year, Brigit’s Afternoon Tea Bus Tour will take you through the streets of Central London, taking in some of the City’s best sights, whilst you indulge in the fabulous Brigit's hand-made high tea! Capture the heart of the city’s culture, landmarks and history, whilst sipping on a lovely cup of tea and enjoying the exquisite array of tasty sandwiches and delicious cakes and pastries. Your London bus driver will take you round Big Ben, The Houses of Parliament, Westminster Abbey, St James’s Park, Hyde Park, The Royal Albert Hall, Marble Arch, Nelson’s Column, Downing Street and more. The Classic Afternoon Tea Bus London sightseeing tour lasts approximately 90 minutes (depending on traffic). You can choose your dietary requirement: Vegetarian, Pescetarian, Halal, Vegan and Gluten Free* (*may contain traces), if you would like any of these special menu please mention it upon booking. Unfortunately, we are unable to cater for: nut-free, peanut-free, combination of dairy & gluten-free, combination of vegan & gluten-free and Coeliacs. As a special treat, this Airbnb experience will include a complimentary glass of Bubbly!