Penang Island獨有的精彩體驗

Penang Island獨有的精彩體驗



Biking through Malay countryside
Well meet up at the pickup point in town in the early morning to transfer to the bike centre, Once arriving at the biking centre, you will be given a bike for the 2.5hour ride. The ride covers the plantation area, fruits orchard, fisherman jetty, traditional Malay and Chinese villages, many of the roads we'll be riding are not on the map and are only known by locals. We'll also make some stops along the ride for some local coffee and also visit a local family that have a goat farm. You may expect to see some of the hidden scenery in Penang. The ride will end where we started earlier. Other things to note: The riding is both on and off road, and while it is not especially challenging it does require some bicycle riding experiences.
Hidden Waterfall Spa - A Nature Bound Hiking Adventure
Step into a world where nature's untouched beauty unfolds with each step. Our guided hike offers an exhilarating escape into a century-old rainforest, revealing hidden waterfalls, majestic trees, and serene streams. Whether you're seeking adventure or tranquility, our trails cater to all, from the gentle beginner's path to the challenging routes for the experienced. Unwind with a natural freshwater massage and savor a moment of peace with a hot beverage amidst the cool stream. Capture unforgettable memories in this secluded paradise, where every moment is a treasure. Experience Highlights: #Untouched Rainforest Hike: Traverse through pristine landscapes and ancient woods. #Hidden Waterfall Discovery: Encounter the hidden paradise of a secret waterfall. #Soothing Fresh Water Massage: Indulge in a unique natural massage at our exclusive spot. #Tranquil Refreshments: Enjoy a warm drink by the cool, refreshing stream. # Immortalize your adventure with breathtaking backdrops. #Trail Variety: Choose from EASY (1.6km), DIFFICULT (3.8km), or SCENIC (7.2km) trails to match your adventure level. Prepare for the Adventure: #Waterproof protection for your camera and essentials. # Small water bottle #Flexibility for itinerary changes due to weather for your safety. Dive into the heart of nature's splendor on this unforgettable journey.
我會帶你在我所熟悉的喬治市世界文化遺產古蹟區步行一小時左右,然後我會引導你擺姿勢和表情之類的再幫你拍下獨特的專業人像照片。除此以外我也會和你分享一些手機拍攝的技巧 ,包括如何取景和構圖。我的拍攝風格會是參雜了全身照,半身照和臉部特寫 ,擺拍以及自然風。 沿著路途我也會告訴你一些小城裡的有趣故事 ,再拍攝完畢後也會帶你去道地的咖啡館或是美食店一起享用食物和飲料。 其他注意事項 你將會在拍攝後的一至兩天后收到照片下載的鏈接 ,我會保證你收到的照片張數是超過40張的,而且都是大格式化,並且經過電腦專業調色處理。 你可以在 Instagram 搜索我的帳號 Wilson TWL 以查看更多拍攝作品。 情侶或小家庭拍攝都可以信息我了解詳情。
Penang Twilight Hike To City Lights & Night Skies
Embark on a magical moonlit adventure up Penang Hill, where every step reveals the rustic beauty of farmland transitioning into lush forest. As the stars twinkle above, navigate 1432 steps to a viewpoint that boasts a breathtaking night panorama of Penang Island. Surrounded by the serene sounds of nocturnal wildlife, indulge in delightful refreshments under the night sky. This unique trek, not just a journey but a story, promises an exhilarating blend of natural beauty, local folklore, and a touch of the supernatural. Experience Highlights: #Enchanting Night Trek: Ascend Penang Hill under the cover of night, guided by the soft glow of torchlights. #Rustic to Lush: From farming to woodland. #Panoramic Viewpoint: At 258 meters above sea level, feast your eyes on the sparkling lights of Penang Island. #Serene Interlude: Relax in the calm breeze at the summit. #Wildlife: Look at the interesting nighttime critters that live on this hill. #Fitness Friendly: For individuals who enjoy a nighttime physical challenge. #Safety First: We prioritize your safety, with the experience subject to change based on weather conditions. Don't miss out on this one-of-a-kind nocturnal escapade that offers more than just a trek; it's an adventure wrapped in the mystical aura of Penang Hill at night. Book your spot now and let the moonlight guide your way to an unforgettable experience!
Chef Samuel's Malaysian Cooking Class
Ethnic lays the foundation of Malaysia's diverse food culture. Embark on this ultimate 3-dish hands on cooking experience at our high rise cooking studio, inclusive of a highlight wet market visit! After we pick you up, we'll visit a off-beaten local Market to gather and learn unique local ingredients while sightseeing the bustling locals' morning lifestyle. We'll also have an authentic breakfast/lunch and enjoy coffee at a famous nearby Kopitiam Hawker. You will learn 3 signature dishes of your choice! Book for 3 days if you have ample time to explore every ethnic cuisine of Malaysia! Along the class, you'll taste nutmeg juice, a kind of refreshing fruit which is a Penang native-grown produce. We will only accept up to a max. of 4 guest(s) per session in a private session, so rest assure you will be fully taken care of. We do accommodate vegetarian - lacto, ovo, pesco diet & vegan menu. Message me to find out more and we can better personalize your experience.


Gurney Paragon Mall337位當地人推薦
Pinang Peranakan Mansion102位當地人推薦
檳城The Top82位當地人推薦
Penang Times Square63位當地人推薦

Penang Island附近的所有活動

Biking through Malay countryside
Well meet up at the pickup point in town in the early morning to transfer to the bike centre, Once arriving at the biking centre, you will be given a bike for the 2.5hour ride. The ride covers the plantation area, fruits orchard, fisherman jetty, traditional Malay and Chinese villages, many of the roads we'll be riding are not on the map and are only known by locals. We'll also make some stops along the ride for some local coffee and also visit a local family that have a goat farm. You may expect to see some of the hidden scenery in Penang. The ride will end where we started earlier. Other things to note: The riding is both on and off road, and while it is not especially challenging it does require some bicycle riding experiences.
Hidden Waterfall Spa - A Nature Bound Hiking Adventure
Step into a world where nature's untouched beauty unfolds with each step. Our guided hike offers an exhilarating escape into a century-old rainforest, revealing hidden waterfalls, majestic trees, and serene streams. Whether you're seeking adventure or tranquility, our trails cater to all, from the gentle beginner's path to the challenging routes for the experienced. Unwind with a natural freshwater massage and savor a moment of peace with a hot beverage amidst the cool stream. Capture unforgettable memories in this secluded paradise, where every moment is a treasure. Experience Highlights: #Untouched Rainforest Hike: Traverse through pristine landscapes and ancient woods. #Hidden Waterfall Discovery: Encounter the hidden paradise of a secret waterfall. #Soothing Fresh Water Massage: Indulge in a unique natural massage at our exclusive spot. #Tranquil Refreshments: Enjoy a warm drink by the cool, refreshing stream. # Immortalize your adventure with breathtaking backdrops. #Trail Variety: Choose from EASY (1.6km), DIFFICULT (3.8km), or SCENIC (7.2km) trails to match your adventure level. Prepare for the Adventure: #Waterproof protection for your camera and essentials. # Small water bottle #Flexibility for itinerary changes due to weather for your safety. Dive into the heart of nature's splendor on this unforgettable journey.
Afternoon Old School Street Foods and Culture of George Town
(NOTE: NOT suitable for those with severe gluten intolerance or strict vegan/vegetarian). A guided tour on Penang street foods where we will: 1. Walk, eat street foods and drinks in local cafes and take in the sight of traditions, heritages and cultures for 3 hours. 2. Taste some 10-18 famous Penang traditional street foods and drinks. Foods and drinks are included. 3. Chat with food vendors and learn the preparation of authentic Penang dishes like Lor Bak, Char Koay Teow, Wantan Mee, Curry Mee, Satay, Apom, Assam Laksa, Hokkien Mee, Bak Kut Teh and desserts. 4. Visit a Chinese temple. Gain insight into Taoism, Buddhism and Confucianism. Learn about Ying Yang, Fengshui, Money Saint and Ancestor worshipping. Learn Chinese fortune telling. 5. Roam old street of Penang and learn about fengshui, architecture of heritage buildings, street mural arts, 5 elements, symbolism and religious places that co-exist next to each other. 6. Savor exotic local tropical fruits such as water apple, or guava or jackfruit or other seasonal fruits. Other things to note: 1. Inform if allergy (shellfish, diary, peanut etc.) or religious and preferences (spiciness/sweetness) at the start of tour. 2. Eat nothing at all before tour for better foo 3. Wear comfortable walking shoes or take umbrella. Weather may still be hot and muggy in the late afternoon/evening. Bear that in mind when book this tour.
我會帶你在我所熟悉的喬治市世界文化遺產古蹟區步行一小時左右,然後我會引導你擺姿勢和表情之類的再幫你拍下獨特的專業人像照片。除此以外我也會和你分享一些手機拍攝的技巧 ,包括如何取景和構圖。我的拍攝風格會是參雜了全身照,半身照和臉部特寫 ,擺拍以及自然風。 沿著路途我也會告訴你一些小城裡的有趣故事 ,再拍攝完畢後也會帶你去道地的咖啡館或是美食店一起享用食物和飲料。 其他注意事項 你將會在拍攝後的一至兩天后收到照片下載的鏈接 ,我會保證你收到的照片張數是超過40張的,而且都是大格式化,並且經過電腦專業調色處理。 你可以在 Instagram 搜索我的帳號 Wilson TWL 以查看更多拍攝作品。 情侶或小家庭拍攝都可以信息我了解詳情。
Penang Twilight Hike To City Lights & Night Skies
Embark on a magical moonlit adventure up Penang Hill, where every step reveals the rustic beauty of farmland transitioning into lush forest. As the stars twinkle above, navigate 1432 steps to a viewpoint that boasts a breathtaking night panorama of Penang Island. Surrounded by the serene sounds of nocturnal wildlife, indulge in delightful refreshments under the night sky. This unique trek, not just a journey but a story, promises an exhilarating blend of natural beauty, local folklore, and a touch of the supernatural. Experience Highlights: #Enchanting Night Trek: Ascend Penang Hill under the cover of night, guided by the soft glow of torchlights. #Rustic to Lush: From farming to woodland. #Panoramic Viewpoint: At 258 meters above sea level, feast your eyes on the sparkling lights of Penang Island. #Serene Interlude: Relax in the calm breeze at the summit. #Wildlife: Look at the interesting nighttime critters that live on this hill. #Fitness Friendly: For individuals who enjoy a nighttime physical challenge. #Safety First: We prioritize your safety, with the experience subject to change based on weather conditions. Don't miss out on this one-of-a-kind nocturnal escapade that offers more than just a trek; it's an adventure wrapped in the mystical aura of Penang Hill at night. Book your spot now and let the moonlight guide your way to an unforgettable experience!
Chillax Paddy Field Biking | 稻香腳車遊
您想暫時逃離繁忙的都市生活,紓緩一下平日的緊張節奏嗎?如果您想體驗清幽的鄉野情懷、遊走稻田、探索紅樹林、看漁船、看日落等,Chillax Paddy Field Biking | 稻香腳車遊 將會是您的不二之選。在這個“體驗”中,稻田的“綠海”加上蔚藍的天空會讓您流連忘返。傍晚時分,您也可以騎到附近的漁村港口一睹無敵海景 和 檳城數一數二的日落景色,那是每個攝影師夢寐以求的打卡景點哦。 - 稻田農地的距離大概是3.2公里左右。我們將會在那兒騎單車遊走30分鐘-1個小時左右。您可以自由地在那兒“打卡” 或 悠然自得地在那兒欣賞那一片綠油油的稻苗,加上藍天白雲,您將會流連忘返。 - 過後,我們將會花10-15分鐘的時間到達日落的景點。無敵海景加上日落的襯托,您將會愛上這個地方。對了,請別忘了“打卡”,然後分享在社交媒體,與您的親朋好友分享你的喜悅心情。 - 在踏上歸途前,我們將會前往附近著名的馬來餐館,想用聞名已久的蝦麵。 其他注意事項 -請確保您懂得騎腳車。 -請確保您的身體健康。 -稻田是有季節性的,所以不是每次都可以看到綠色的稻田。 -如果您是我們民宿的租客,我們將會給您一個優惠價來體驗Chillax Paddy Field Biking | 稻香腳車遊
Morning Old School Street Foods and Culture of George Town
(NOTE - NOT suitable for severe gluten intolerance and strict vegan/vegetarian), A guided tour on Penang street foods and history: 1. Walk, eat street foods and drinks in local cafes and take in the sight of traditions, heritages and cultures for 3 hours. 2. Taste some 12-18 traditional and famous Penang street foods and drinks. Foods and drinks are included. 3. Chat with food vendors and learn the preparation of authentic Penang dishes - Lor Bak, Nasi Lemak, Roti Canai, Kuey Kak, Assam Laksa, Char Kuey Teow, Murtabak, Popiah, Curry Mee and Chendol. 4. Visit a Chinese temple. Gain insight into Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, Confucius, Symbolism and have fortune told. 5. Browse Penang morning wet market on spices, vegetable, fishes, century eggs and to taste snack like nutmeg fruit. 6. Savor exotic local tropical fruits such as water apple, jackfruit or other seasonal fruits. 7. Roam along charming old Penang Road to learn about Penang tradition trades like popiah skin making, pre-war heritage buildings and religious places that co-exist next to each other. Other things to note: 1. Inform if vegan or other allergy (shellfish, diary) or religious and preferences (spiciness/sweetness) to tour guide at the start of tour. 2. Eat nothing at all before tour for better food experiences. 3. Wear comfortable walking shoes and take umbrella.
Chef Samuel's Malaysian Cooking Class
Ethnic lays the foundation of Malaysia's diverse food culture. Embark on this ultimate 3-dish hands on cooking experience at our high rise cooking studio, inclusive of a highlight wet market visit! After we pick you up, we'll visit a off-beaten local Market to gather and learn unique local ingredients while sightseeing the bustling locals' morning lifestyle. We'll also have an authentic breakfast/lunch and enjoy coffee at a famous nearby Kopitiam Hawker. You will learn 3 signature dishes of your choice! Book for 3 days if you have ample time to explore every ethnic cuisine of Malaysia! Along the class, you'll taste nutmeg juice, a kind of refreshing fruit which is a Penang native-grown produce. We will only accept up to a max. of 4 guest(s) per session in a private session, so rest assure you will be fully taken care of. We do accommodate vegetarian - lacto, ovo, pesco diet & vegan menu. Message me to find out more and we can better personalize your experience.
Historical, Heritage & Culture Walks Around George Town
The Walking Tour Starts at the Esplanade where Penang history started, after the walk, we will be having a local light breakfast. After that, we will be heading to the high court to discover the story of local robin hood-James Logan. Then to the Saint George Church to discover the hidden story of Captain Francis Light. next to Goddess of Mercy Temple to learn some local offerings and taboos. Sri Mahamariaman Temple to discover the story of the Penang Thaipusam celebration and The Acheen Mosque to discover the Malay and Muslim Culture. We will experience some living heritage in town including traditional Joss stick maker. Drink the local unique Chukumali coffee and Pan Bidah Sireh (Subjects to availability) Walking through some hidden alleys that are only known by locals. Discover some of the unique street names and some local history on it. Discovering some unique building structures and their traditional technology of it. Other things to note: 1. This will be a casual city walk, guest should be fit at least to walk a fair amount of time. Consider the heat, so prepare lotion or sunblock. 2. This is a Slow Historical Walk to learn and indepth experience the local Heritage and Culture. Is designed only for those who love storytelling and history. 3. Although is an 5 hours, it may go longer sometimes, please do advise me if you have time restrictions.
Penang Food Experience - Eat like local, Feel like local
Join me in the experience to eat like a local in Penang and create memories you cannot forget. We will go through the Gastronomy experiences of 6 different meals with the blend of the diversity of different cultural food including the Indian, Chinese, Malay, Nyonya, and western. You will also be visiting some of the lesser Touristy Sites including the beautiful Hilltop Water dam, Hindu Temple and etc. All this, in the short span of 5 hours you will be living the gastronomy lifestyle of a Penangite. "Eat's Like a Local, Feel's Like a Local" * This experience includes local activities like a forest walk and a hike to the largest Lord Murugan temple outside India. Please note, this isn't your usual food tour; it's about living and eating like a local. Don't worry about fitness; most guests find the short walks and hikes manageable. Let me know about any food restrictions or allergies.
Exploring Nature's Marvels & Crafting a Penang Itinerary
This customized itinerary is designed to immerse you in Penang's vibrant food scene and lush landscapes, all tailored to your preferences and away from commercialized spots. We offer recommendations for truly remarkable and authentic places worth visiting, ensuring an enjoyable travel experience. All this is provided while you relax and revel in the lush garden settings of Penang, allowing you to connect deeply with nature. Experience Highlights: #Start with a relaxing stroll around Penang's historic botanical gardens. #Experience private jungle fish spa with fresh drinks #Personalized Discovery: Share your interests for a customized trip. #Customized Travel and Dining Tips: Get Penang travel and dining advice. #Explore local cuisine, from street markets to upscale restaurants. #Local Cuisine Guide: Receive a message with 32 must-try dishes and locations. #Serene Setting: Travel Penang inspired by the tranquil gardens. #Fresh Start: End the garden walk with i. Morning: Chapati with Authentic dhal Curry ii Afternoon( coconut water.) #Customized Itinerary: Get a meal list and GPS coordinates for unhurried exploration. #Discover Penang's natural beauty and culinary diversity. Book today and start your unique Penang trip with every step and mouthful.
Four meal full day authentic street food experience
This 1+1 meal food hunt trip will give you the most authentic local street food experience in the city of Penang. Starting from morning , I will pick you up from your hotel and explore the most signature way of breakfast. I will then drop you to other activity of your choice. for lunch, we will hunt for lunch spot and introduces you varieties of local delicacies. for tea time, we can opt for local spot and guarantee you will be delighted with how local ingredients are put together to create out of this world bowl of dessert. We continue our street food hunt for dinner, try even more types of Malaysian food and Penang cuisine at some of the most popular spot only known to local traveller ! I believe it will be an unforgettable food hunt journey to experience it all in half day.
Penang All-In-One Heritage Bike Tour
#1 All-In-One Penang Heritage Bike Tour -3.5Hours ( Heritage sites, Street Arts, Streets Food, Traditional Trades & Fun Riding) Discover the beauty of George Town’s UNESCO heritage sites, traditional trades, world famous street art & delightful hawker food – all on two wheels! Our All-In-One heritage bicycle tour package is specially curated for visitors who are looking for variety in their itinerary while in George Town. With us, you’ll visit the city’s well known heritage sites, catch a glimpse of some of the city’s street art, witness multi-generational traditonal trades, and also experience the island’s famous Penang hawker food such as assam laksa, char kuey teow, chendol and much more. The experience will cover 5-6 George Town heritage sites, 1-2 traditional trades and include 2-3 Penang hawker meals at some of the city’s best known shops. The entire bicycle tour takes about 3.5 hours. You also have the option of enjoying it on a trishaw. It is ideal for both individual travellers and families. We also recommend this package especially for visitors who want to explore and get to know the essence of George Town in short period of time. Other things to note On Bike tour - Min. age 12 and above.
Penang Twilight Adventure - Sights, Bites & Local Insights
Join us for an intimate dinner in Georgetown, Penang, to experience the island's unique cuisines and stories. This small gathering combines Penang's delicious street food with genuine local friendship to reveal its essence. Each drink of coffee, tea, or water will lead to insightful talks and fresh discoveries about this amazing place as the night progresses. Start your tailored Penang tour with this dinner, full of local information and a culinary guide. Experience Includes: #Supper with a Beverage: Relish a variety of Penang's street food specialties, accompanied by your choice of coffee, tea, or water. #Essential Dishes Guide: Get an exclusive guide to Penang's must-try more than 32 dishes, with detailed descriptions and GPS locations for each. #Discover at Your Pace: With our detailed list, explore Penang's heritage, natural beauty, and vibrant scenes on your own terms. #Gain Local Insights: Engage with an English-speaking host who'll share the unique aspects of Penang's culture and lifestyle. #Customized Exploration: The supper conversation will tailor your Penang experience, ensuring it aligns perfectly with your interests. Dive into an evening that promises more than just dining; it's an opportunity to weave your own Penang story through flavors, insights, and personalized paths. Book your spot now and savor every moment of this unique cultural feast!
Sunrise/Sunset Adventure on Penang Hill
Penang Hill combines fitness, history, and nature's beauty into an unforgettable experience. Starting with a calm funicular railway ride, this journey takes you through a world where sunrise and dusk illuminate every step on peaceful roads and past historic antiques. As Penang's beauty develops, capture these moments to remember a memorable trip. This well chosen adventure gives more than sights—it offers memories from a high shrine to the jungle's colorful life. Experience Highlights: #Penang sunrises and sunsets are stunning. #A free funicular railway ride takes you to Penang Hill's center. #Discover the hill's rich history and tranquil temples. #Georgetown Panorama: Enjoy breathtaking city views. #Flora and fauna: Explore the hill's lush jungle of unusual variety. #Photo spots: Selected spots for capturing memories. #Local Cuisine: Enjoy a Mixed Fruit Bowl at the summit. Extra Experience Option: Explore a century-old rainforest reserve at Habitat Penang Hill. This historic 1.6km nature trail ends with the Curtis Crest Tree Top trail, which offers breathtaking views from the island's highest point. Habitat entry costs RM60.00 per person. Travel beyond the everyday to Penang Hill's historical tapestry and nature's splendor. Book today and let Penang's horizon inspire your next big adventure!
  1. Airbnb
  2. 馬來西亞
  3. 檳城
  4. Penang Island